Play it Safe - Choose the Best Picnic Food for a Date

If you’ve ever been on a picnic date, you know how romantic it can be. Laying on a blanket somewhere in nature. Listening to the orchestra of birds on trees around you. Watching white, fluffy clouds glide on a blue sky while your date lays on your chest and you caress her back. And that’s just one of the scenarios. You don’t have to go to a park. Beaches, hills, mountains and even streets in your town. You can have a perfect picnic date everywhere, but you have to know how to make it happen.

Leave Her Speechless with these First Date Picnic Ideas

Before we take you to the tasty world of food you should take on picnics; we’ll advise places for the first date. When you mention a picnic to somebody, they imagine a blanket with red and white squares, a basket, and the nearest park. We’ll start with that too.

Go to Any Green Area in Your Town

You won’t show a lot of creativity by going to the nearest park, but you’ll show that you’re ready to do a lot for your date especially if the area where you plan to go isn’t famous as a picnic spot. You’ll attract some attention that way, but keep it cool, and you’ll have a perfect first date. After a couple of minutes, you’ll feel like the two of you are alone in your little private universe. If you add some picnic date snacks and a bottle of wine, you can be sure you’ll get a second date.

Go to the Countryside

If you live in an urban area, a trip to the countryside will relax you more than you can imagine. No unnatural noises, no crowds, no stress. That’s why so many new couples choose picnics in the countryside for their first date. You’ll have a lot of privacy, so you’ll be able to talk about whatever you want and connect on a deeper level. Both with nature and each other.

Up, up, up! To the Mountains!

Ahhh, fresh, almost sharp air in your lungs. Beautiful view in front of you. Two of you cuddling and revealing secrets to each other while the wind plays with branches. Going to the mountains makes humans feel small, so choosing a mountain for your first picnic date isn’t just romantic; it’s wise. Since both of you will realize that humans are nothing compared to mighty nature, you’ll connect more than you’d in a park.

Nothing is More Romantic than a Beach Picnic Date

Have you ever met a person who doesn’t like beaches? Neither did we. A lot of couples claim that their best picnic date was on a beach. It doesn’t matter if you go to the sea or the lake; the magic of water will seduce your soul while the two of you seduce each other.

Be Creative, Do a Ted Mosby

This one is perfect for busy people because you don’t need to travel anywhere, all you have to do is be creative, and you’ll have a perfect picnic date. Rstrongstrongber when Ted Mosby in How I met your mother took Stella on a quick date on her lunch break? You can do something similar. Choose some unusual spot in your area and do the first date there. Your partner will love your boldness and creativity. One bonus picnic idea - you can do a 100% private picnic on your balcony. It won’t be like a real thing at first, but a blanket, snacks, and wine will change that quickly.

It’s time, Discover the Best Food to Take on a Picnic Date

What kind of food you bring on a picnic is as important as the place you choose. You should focus on the food you can eat without a fork, knife, or spoon. Yes, stews, soups, and stuff like that are delicious, but do you want to eat a hot liquid on your first date? No, you want to have the best picnic date, and you’ll succeed if you read the list of food to bring to a picnic date.

Picnic Date Snacks

It’s not hard to choose food to pack for a picnic date, but before you do it, ask your date if she’s allergic to anything. When you get a green light, start making some finger-food (or pack some natural finger-food). It will be clear what we think when you see this list of picnic date snacks:

  • Nuts - perfect picnic date food. Healthy, easy to pack and eat.
  • Fruits - try to go for convenient fruits such as grapes, figs, berries, or apples (carrying a whole watermelon, for example, would make you look silly).
  • Vegetables - fruits are better to eat alone on a picnic, but veggies in combination with cheese and wine will make your taste bulbs go crazy. Pack olives, capers, or something else that compliments the wine.
  • Small sandwiches - the word small is important here. You don’t want to rstrongstrongber your first date picnic because your date devoured the whole bread in 10 minutes. Make a lot of small sandwiches. One or two bites is a perfect size for a picnic because you won’t spend a lot of time chewing, leaving more room for conversation. And that’s important on a picnic, not eating like a hungry construction worker.
  • Some sweets - it’s important to keep your inner child alive and to show it on a first date. Nothing shows you’re still a kid deep inside, then pulling out big chocolate or some candies. If you want to impress her, get some bite-size cakes in a pastry shop.
  • Cheese & crackers - writing a list of good picnic foods for a date without mentioning cheese and crackers would be a sin. Those best friends of wine (or bear) must find a spot in your basket.

Drinks for a Perfect Picnic Date

You can’t stuff your basket with food and leave drinks at home.

  • Water - usually neglected on lists like this, water is still the most important liquid you can have. Bring at least a small bottle with you.
  • Wine - this is a classic when it comes to romance and picnics. It goes great with a lot of food mentioned above. And it will help you relax, thus destroying those awkward silences most first dates have.
  • Beer - some people don’t like wine but can’t say no to a couple of cold ones. Packing a couple of beers will have the same effect as bringing a bottle of wine. It won’t look as romantic, but it will go great with sandwiches, and it will help you relax.
  • Sparkling wine - how to make wine even more romantic? Make it sparkle! If you manage to keep sparkling wine glasses in one piece, that will be a huge plus.
  • Coffee (or tea) - just a smell of coffee or tea will make you feel like you’re at home. If you go to the mountains, it will keep you warm, and it will keep you awake regardless of the spot you choose for your date. Pour it in a thermos to keep it hot.
  • Homstrongade juice - you must have a blender of some sort at home. Use it to impress your date. Buy some fruits (ask what her favorites are), put thstrong in a blender, and make a tasty and healthy juice. She’ll love that you care for her health, and your bodies won’t mind that vitamin bomb.

These are Picnic Date Itstrongs You Have to Pack

Now when you know what food to bring on a romantic date, you have to learn what other itstrongs you should take on a picnic.

  • First Aid Kit - this isn’t mandatory if you’re going to a park in the city. But if you’re going to the beach, mountains, or anywhere where you might need to take care of yourself, rstrongstrongber - safety first.
  • Basket - imagine going to a picnic instead of carrying everything in the basket, you carry it in a plastic bag from the grocery shop around the corner. You may think that will lead to the cute picnic date because you’d show you don’t care about other people’s opinions, but that won’t be the case. Just don’t do it; go for a basket; it’s a classic for a reason.
  • Blanket - you need something to cuddle on.
  • Coolers for drinks - there are different kinds of coolers, but as long as it keeps your wine or beer cold, it’s perfect.
  • Wine & Cheese Set - a corkscrew, glasses, cheese board, and holders for bottles; pack all of those. You don’t have to go into animal-mode, just because you’re sitting on the ground. Make your picnic date as comfortable as possible; she’ll appreciate the effort.
  • Cutlery - if you pack only finger-food, you don’t need to take this, but better safe than sorry
  • Food covers - you’re going in nature; that’s where all the bugs live. Do you want to scream like a little girl on your first date because a wasp stung you on your tongue? No, of course not. You (hopefully) don’t want to eat any ants either. There are many affordable outdoor food covers available online; all of thstrong will prevent insects from ruining your romantic picnic.
  • Bug repellent - bugs aren’t romantic, don’t let thstrong come close to you.
  • Some game - UNO, for example, is a good choice for a picnic, go wild if she puts +4 on top of your +4.
  • Cleaning kit - don’t pollute nature. Pick up everything you use and throw it into the garbage. Also, bring some wet wipes to clean yourself after you finish eating.

Now you’re ready for the best first date you’ll ever have. We listed some good picnic ideas for a date, convenient food, drinks, and necessary itstrongs. All you have to do now is have a good time.

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